CEREC Same Day Porcelain Crowns

Quick And Convenient Dental Crown Work in Phoenix

Tooth crowns can be damaged by cavities or injuries. It is vital to address these damages as soon as possible to preserve your oral health and restore your smile. We can help protect your mouth by placing porcelain crowns onto damaged teeth. Tooth crowns can also support bridges for missing teeth or work in conjunction with dental implants.

In the past, restoring a tooth with a crown was a tedious procedure requiring more than one visit to the dentist. Today, Harris Dental has left the past behind. We provide CEREC III D technology—the latest in crown making know-how. CEREC uses a strong, tooth-colored porcelain to create each crown or bridge. And best of all, these crowns, bridges and veneers can be crafted in our office in as little as 90 minutes. We care about your time as well as your health. Crafting these porcelain crowns with our CEREC machine means we can restore your smile in record time!

What Are the Benefits of CEREC Tooth Crowns?

There are a number of advantages to CEREC, including:

  • CEREC crowns are made in just one visit, saving you time.
  • Because CEREC crowns are done in a single visit, there is no need for a temporary crown.
  • CEREC technology can be used as dental fillings. CEREC materials are made out of porcelain, so they are more durable than normal dental fillings.
  • CEREC dental crowns look and feel natural.

Dr. Brian Harris founded Phoenix CEREC Studies in 2007, the first CEREC study club in Arizona. He is a CEREC expert and is a certified CEREC basic and advanced in-office trainer. Watch the video below to learn more.

Mark W.

"Went in to have a broken crown fixed and also have a cleaning. Dr Joe had me fixed up, cleaned and out the door 90 mins later with a great new smile."

- Mark W. -

Restore Your Damaged Teeth With CEREC Same Day Dental Crowns!

If you’ve ever considered restoring your bite or your smile, now is the time! Harris Dental can deliver that new smile in less time, with more beautiful results than you can imagine using a CEREC tooth crown. Call, text, or email our office in the Phoenix area, and ask how our advanced CEREC technology can change your life.

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