Dr. Brian Harris

“Most people would just say I’m a dentist, but what I really do is build confidence.”– Dr. Brian

Dr. Brian Harris

  • University Pacific School of Dentistry
  • International Speaker and Educator
  • 2007 – 2021 Phoenix Magazine Top General and Cosmetic Dentist
  • AZ Foothills Best Cosmetic Dentist in Scottsdale, AZ
  • Founder www.smilevirtual.com, the leading tele-dentistry platform connecting patients looking to improve their smile with qualified cosmetic dentists around the world. 
  • Creator of www.klenproducts.com 

My Family


My Story

How did you arrive at running/working for this business? What path brought you here?

Growing up around dentistry, my dad would take us to work with him during the summer. We would get paid $2 per hour to unpack boxes, clean the lab, make stone models of teeth, etc. I realize now after having my own kids, he really did it so we wouldnt drive my mom crazy at home fighting all summer. Several years passed and after living out of the country for a few years, I returned home and it just felt like the right path for me. I have never regretted the decision, I absolutely love what I do. 

Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?

When I am not working, you will find me with my family at the lake, the sand dunes or enjoying a lazy weekend at home. 

Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?

I have been involved with several groups like Smiles for Life, The Smile Project and Smiles for Hope which takes dentistry into the small villages of third world countries.  I have been able to take my wife Maury and our four kids to different villages in South America, Guatemala and The Dominican Republic. Spending a week in small villages helping people that have no access to dental care has been a life-changing opportunity.

Any awards or medals? Personal and professional?

In the 5th grade, I won first place in the state Karate tournament. I only mention this because I had to fight my brother, Dr Scott, in the finals. Lets just say he took second place. Still, one of my proudest moments.

Professional: Young Dentist of the Year in 2007, Phoenix Magazine Top Dentist 2007-2013, Phoenix Magazine Top Cosmetic Dentist 2010-2013, AZ Foothills Scottsdale’s Best Cosmetic Dentist 2014.

How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as someone who used his talents to serve others transform peoples lives.  A good father, friend and husband. Someone who always asks Why Not? Instead of Why? Someone who truly inspired and motivated those around him.

What was the most interesting trip you have ever taken? Why?

The most interesting and fun trip I have ever taken was to Antarctica with my wife Maury to run a marathon.  Took a Russian research ship from the southern tip of Argentina 3 days across the ocean to get there.  Maury finished the full marathon and I wimped out after the half. Spent a few days exploring a part of the earth that is truly untouched.

What is your favorite breakfast food?

French Toast 🙂

What favorite food puts you in a great mood?

Butter Cake from Mastros.

What 1 thing would you take with you on a deserted island?

My toothbrush 😉

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